The 9th International Conference
on the
Physics of X-Ray Multilayer Structures


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


16:00-22:00 Registration

19:00-22:00 Welcome Reception


7:00-8:00 Breakfast

8:00-8:10 Opening Remarks

8:10-9:40 Oral Session 1 Session Chair: T. Bigault

8:10-8:40 1.1 INVITED Multilayers for fourth generation X-ray sources Saša Bajt, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550, USA

8:40-9:00 1.2 High resolution sliced multilayer grating for soft x-rays Dmitriy L. Voronov,a Rossana Cambie,a Ruslan M. Feshchenko,b Eric M. Gullikson,a Howard A. Padmore,a Farhad Salmassy,a Alexander V. Vinogradov,b Valeriy V. Yashchuk a a: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road, MS 2R0400, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA b: P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow 119991, Russia

9:00-9:20 1.3 Multilayer X-ray Optics and High Precision Deposition R. Dietsch, Th. Holz, AXO DRESDEN GmbH, Siegfried-Raedel-Str. 31, 01809 Heidenau, Germany

9:20-9:40 1.4 Pathway to the preparation of perfect focusing synchrotron mirrors Luca Peverini1, Igor Kozhevnikov2 and Eric Ziegler1, 1) European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, 38043 Grenoble cedex, France, 2) Institute of Crystallography, Leninsky Prospect 59, Moscow 119333, Russia

9:40-10:10 Break

10:10-12:10 Oral Session 2 Session Chair: E. Gullikson

10:10-10:40 2.1 INVITED Pulsed laser deposition of artificial layered oxides Guus Rijnders, University of Twente, The Netherlands

10:40-11:00 2.2 Mo/Si interdiffusion and B4C diffusion barrier performance studies using High-Sensitivity Low-Energy Ion Scattering (HS-LEIS), V.I.T.A. de Rooij-Lohmann1, A.E. Yakshin1, F. Bijkerk1 and H.H. Brongersma21 FOM Institute for Plasma Physics, department of nanolayer- Surface and Interface Physics, Edisonbaan 14, P.O. Box 1207, NL-3430 BE Nieuwegein, The Netherlands, 2 Calipso BV, P.O. Box 513, NL-5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

11:00-11:20 2.3 Thermal evolution of Mg/SiC multilayers upon annealing H. Maury1, K. Le Guen1, J.-M. André1, Z. Wang2, J. Dong2, F. Bridou3, F. Delmotte3, P. Jonnard1 (1) Laboratoire de Chimie Physique – Matière et Rayonnement, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris Cedex 05, France (2) Institute of Precision Optical Engineering, Department of Physics, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, CHINA, (3) Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l’Instittu d’Optique, CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Palaiseau cedec France

11:20-11:50 2.4 INVITED Soft X-ray Cr/Sc Multilayer Mirrors: Effects of B4C, O and N impurities Naureen Ghafoor,a Fredrik Eriksson,a Eric Gullikson,b Lars Hultman a, and Jens Bircha a Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University 581 83 Linköping, Sweden b Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Bldg 2R0400, 1 Cyclotron Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720-8199, USA

11:50-12:10 2.5 Reduction of stress and roughness by reactive sputtering in W/B4C X-ray multilayer films David L. Windt, Reflective X-ray Optics LLC, 1361 Amsterdam Ave., Suite 3B, New York, NY 10027

12:10-18:30 Free

18:30-20:00 Dinner

20:00-22:00 POSTER SESSION I

P1.1 The influence of Mo crystallinity on diffusion in Mo/Si multilayers upon thermal annealing S. Bruijn, R.W.E. van de Kruijs, A.E. Yakshin, F. Bijkerk, FOM Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen

P1.2 Smoothing properties of single- and multilayer coatings, a method to smoothen substrates A.J.R. van den Boogaard1, E. Louis1, E. Zoethout1, S. Müllender2, and F. Bijkerk1 1FOM Rijnhuizen, PO Box 1207, 3430 BE Nieuwegein, the Netherlands, 2Carl Zeiss SMT AG, D-73446 Oberkochen, Germany

P1.3 Two channel EUV mirror for solar missions: design, performances and stability Christophe HECQUET1, Franck DELMOTTE1, Marie-Françoise RAVET-KRILL1, Arnaud JEROME1, Françoise BRIDOU1, Frédéric AUCHERE2, Frédéric BOURCIER3, Jean-Michel DESMARRES3, Angelo GIGLIA4, Stefano NANARONNE4, Françoise VARNIERE1 1 - Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d’Optique, CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Campus Polytechnique, RD 128, 91127 Palaiseau cedex – France 2 – Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, bât 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex-France 3 - Centre National d’Etude Spatial, 18 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31401 Toulouse cedex 09 – France 4 - TASC-INFM, MM building in Area Science Park, s.s.14 km 163.5, 34012Basovizza (Trieste) – Italy

P1.4 Recovery of custom substrate surfaces by wet chemical etch-removal of multilayers Michael D. Kriese and Yuriy Y. Platonov, Rigaku Innovative Technologies, Auburn Hills, MI, USA

P1.5 Surface analysis for better x-ray focusing Vladimir Martynov, Yuriy Platonov, Rigaku Innovative Technologies, Inc., 1900 Taylor Rd, Auburn Hills, MI 48326

P1.6 High Reflectivity Multilayer Mirror for He-II Radiation at 30.4nm in Solar Physics Application Jingtao Zhu, Zhanshan Wang, Zhong Zhang, Fengli Wang, Shumin Zhang, Hongchang Wang, Wenjuan Wu, Bei Wang, Yao Xu, Lingyan Chen Institute of Precision Optical Engineering, Physics Department, Tongji University, No 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai 200092, China. Hongjun Zhou, Tonglin Huo National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL), University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230029, China

P1.7 Design and fabrication of chirped multilayer mirror in the extreme-ultraviolet region Fengli Wang, Rui Chen, Zhanshan Wang, and Lingyan Chen  Institute of Precision Optical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092

P1.8 Mo/Y, Ru/Y, and Ru/Mo/Y/Mo multilayers analyzers for 11-nm wavelength Zhong Zhang, Jingtao Zhu, Rui Chen, Jing Xu, Da Xu, Yao Xu, Hui Jiang, Fengli Wang, Shuji Qin, Lingyan Chen, Zhanshan Wang Institute of Precision Optical Engineering (IPOE), Physics Department, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China Alan G Michette, Slawka J Pfauntsch, A Keith Powell, Shahin Sahraei King’s College London, Department of Physics, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, UK Franz Schäfers, Ralph Pohl , Andreas Gaupp BESSY GmbH, Albert Einstein Strasse 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany Mike MacDonald CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK

P1.9 State-of-the-art Thin Film X-ray Optics for Synchrotrons and Free-Electron Lasers Steffen Kroth1, Bernd Hasse1, J. Wiesmann1, F. Hertlein1, C. Michaelsen1, M. Störmer2 1Incoatec GmbH, Max-Planck-Straße 2, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany 2GKSS Research Center, Max-Planck-Straße 1, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany

P1.10 Development of the scattering microscope by coherent EUV light Hiroo Kinoshita, Junki Kishimoto and Takeo Watanabe, Laboratory of Science and Technology for Industry, University of Hyogo Dong gun Lee, Samsung Electrinics Co.,LTD

P1.11 Design of wideband multilayer mirrors with reduced sensitivity to random layer thickness fluctuations Igor Kozhevnikova, Andrey Yakshinb, Eric Louisb, Fred Bijkerkb a Institute of Crystallography, Moscow, Russia b FOM Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen, Nieuwegein, the Netherlands

P1.12 Smoothing of surface roughness by ion beam deposition and etching G. Dietrich, S. Braun, P. Gawlitza, and A. Leson IWS Dresden, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology, Winterbergstrasse 28, D-01277 Dresden, Germany

P1.13 Thermal Stability of Cr/Sc-based Soft X-ray Multilayer Mirrors Fredrik Eriksson, Naureen Ghafoor, Eric Gullikson, Jens Birch Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University 581 83 Linköping, Sweden

P1.14 Design, Characterization and Applications of Broadband MoSi- Multilayer Mirror for Attosecond XUV Pulses M. Hofstetter1, A. Aquila3, E. Gouliemakis2, M. Schultze2, M. Uiberacker1, E. Gullikson3, D.T. Attwood3, F. Krausz1,2 and U. Kleineberg1 1Ludwig Maximilians Universität Muenchen, Fakultaet fuer Physik, D-85748 Garching 2Max Planck Institut fuer Quantenoptik, D-85748 Garching, Germany 3Center for X-Ray Optics, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA

P1.15 The importance of coatings in interferometric gravitational wave observatories R. DeSalvo, Caltech MOVED TO ORAL SESSION 8

P1.16 Ultra-precision Surface Finishing of EUV- and X-Ray Optics by Ion Beam Techniques – Figuring and Smoothing F. Frost, T. Hänsel, A. Nickel, B. Ziberi, R. Fechner, A. Schindler  Leibniz-Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung e. V. (IOM) Permoserstr. 15, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany MOVED TO ORAL SESSION 8


7:00-8:00 Breakfast

8:00-9:50 Oral Session 3 Session Chair: C. Boragno

8:00-8:30 3.1 INVITED Surface engineering with ion beams: from self-organized nanostructures to ultra-smooth surfaces B. Ziberi, F. Frost, A. Schindler, B. Rauschenbach, Leibniz-Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung e. V. Permoserstr. 15, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany

8:30-9:00 3.2 INVITED X-ray reflectometry of thin films: possibilities and perspectives Igor Kozhevnikov a, Luca Peverini b, and Eric Ziegler b, a Institute of Crystallography, Leninsky prospect 59, Moscow 119333, Russia, b European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BP 220, 38043, Grenoble cedex, France  CANCELLED

9:00-9:20 3.3 Development of a self-consistent approach to study the 3D morphology of a thin film Eric Zieglera, Igor Kozhevnikovb, Luca Peverinia a European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BP 220, 38043, Grenoble cedex, France b Institute of Crystallography, Leninsky prospect 59, Moscow 119333, Russia

9:20-9:50 3.4 INVITED Predicting Properties of Sputtered Films Directly From Basic Chamber and Process Parameters – Initial Results Chris Walton, George Gilmer, Regina Soufli, and Troy W. Barbee Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 7000 East Avenue Livermore, CA 94550 USA

9:50-10:20 Break

10:20-12:10 Oral Session 4 Session Chair: E. Louis

10:20-10:50 4.1 INVITED High throughput EUV Microscope TXM3 for single shot imaging T. Ejima, H. Murata, Y. Nakamura, M. Toyoda, T. Harada, M. Furudate, A. Arai, E. Sasaki, S. Yanagida, T. Tsuru, T. Hatano, M. Yanagihara, and M. Yamamoto IMRAM, Tohoku University, 2-1-1, Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, JAPAN

10:50-11:10 4.2 Multilayer development for EUV Lithography S. Müllender1, H. Enkisch1, G. von Blanckenhagen1, M. Hermann1, F. Bijkerk2 1Carl Zeiss SMT AG, Rudolf-Eber-Strasse 2, D-73447 Oberkochen, Germany 2FOM Rijnhuizen, PO Box 1207, 3430 BE Nieuwegein, The Netherlands

11:10-11:30 4.3 Study on critical dimension of printable phase defects using an EUV Microscope H. Kinoshita1, 3, T. Yoshizumi1, 3, T. Watanabe1, 3 and T. Sugiyama2 1University of Hyogo, Laboratory of Science and Technology for Industry 1-1-2 Kouto, Kamigori, Ako-gun, Hyogo Pref. 678-1205, Japan 2Asahi Glass Co., LTD, R & D Center 1150 Hazawa-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 221-8755, Japan 3CREST-JST

11:30-11:50 4.4 A-periodic multilayers for EUV lithography Michele Suman,1,2 Maria-Guglielmina Pelizzo,2 Piergiorgio Nicolosi,1,2 G.Monaco1,2 and David L. Windt3 1Information Engineering Department, University of Padova, via Gradenigo 6B, Padova, 35131 Italy 2National Research Council- National Institute for the Physics of the Matter, LUXOR Laboratory, via Gradenigo 6B, Padova, 35131 Italy 3Reflective X-ray Optics LLC, 1361 Amsterdam Ave., Suite 3B, New York, NY 10027, USA

11:50-12:10 4.5 Progress in large period multilayer coatings for high harmonic and solar applications A. Aquila, F. Salmassi, and E.M. Gullikson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road, MS 2R0400, Berkeley, CA 94720

12:10-18:00 Free

18:00-22:00 Banquet


7:00-8:00 Breakfast

8:00-9:50 Oral Session 5 Session Chair: H. Kinoshita

8:00-8:30 5.1 INVITED Full Multilayer Laue Lens for Focusing Hard X-rays Chian Liu a, R. Conley a, J. Qian a, C. M. Kewish a, A. T. Macrander a, J. Maser a, b, H. C. Kang b, c, d, H. Yan a, b, and G. B. Stephenson b, c a X-ray Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 b Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 c Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 d Advanced Photonics Research Institute, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju 500-712, Republic of Korea

8:30-8:50 5.2 Non-traditional Multilayer Kirkpatrick-Baez Optics for various laboratory applications Part 1. Optic incorporating two different mirrors, Optic incorporating nonmultilayer component, two-corners Optic Boris Verman, RIT, Inc

8:50-9:10 5.3 Replication of Multilayers for X-ray Optics Ladislav Pina, Libor Sveda, Adolf Inneman, Rene Hudec, Veronika Semencova, Michaela Skulinova Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Science, Prague, Czech Republic; Reflex sro, Prague, Czech Republic; Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Ondrejov, Czech Republic

9:10-9:30 5.4 Microfocusing X-ray Equipment for the Lab Bernd Hasse1, Steffen Kroth1, Jörg Wiesmann1, Carsten Michaelsen1, Uwe Preckwinkel2, Holger Cordes2, Ning Yang2 1 Incoatec GmbH, Max-Planck-Strasse 2, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany 2 Bruker AXS Inc., 5465 East Cheryl Parkway , Madison, WI 53711-5373, U.S.A.

9:30-9:50 5.5 High Confidence Mo/Si Multilayer Deposition for the Transmission X-Ray Multilayer Mirror Microscope TXM3 Tetsuo Harada, Tadashi Hatano, Masaki Yamamoto Division of Soft X-Ray Microscopy, Center for Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University

9:50-10:20 Break

10:20-12:10 Oral Session 6 Session Chair: F. Delmotte

10:20-10:50 6.1 INVITED A W/B4C multilayer phase retarder for broad-band polarisation analysis of soft x-ray radiation Michael A. MacDonald 1, Franz Schäfers 2, Ralph Pohl 1,3, Ian B. Poole 1, Andreas Gaupp 2, Frances M. Quinn 1 1STFC Daresbury Laboratory, DaresburyWarrington WA4 4AD U.K. 2BESSY GmbH, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 15, D-12489 Berlin 3Fachhochschule Münster, Stegerwaldstrasse 39, D-48565 Steinfurt

10:50-11:10 6.2 Multilayer-based Soft X-ray Polarimetry Research with SR at BSRF Cui Mingqi11 Wang Zhanshan2 Sun Lijuan1 Zhu Jie1 Chen Kai1 Yan Fen1 Zhou Kejin1 Ma Chenyan1 Zheng lei1 Zhao Yidong1 Zhu Jingtao2 Zhang Zhong2 1(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China) 2(Department of Physics, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

11:10-11:30 6.3 Development and realization of supermirrors for 5-20 keV for high resolution X-ray imaging plasma diagnostic Ph. Troussel, H. Maury CEA/DAM Ile de France, Département de Conception et de Réalisation des Expériences, BP 12, 91680 Bruyères-les-Châtel, France J. Ph. Champeaux IRSANT Laboratoire collisions d’agrégats et réactivité UMR 5519 Université Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse B. Vidal, T. O. Khachroum L2MP-CNRS UMR 6137 Faculté des Sciences Saint Jérôme, case 131, Av Escadrille Normandie -Niemann 13397 Marseille Cedex 20

11:30-11:50 6.4 Ion beam sputter deposition of carbon-based multilayers for x-ray and neutron reflectors Peter Gawlitza, St. Braun, G. Dietrich, A. Leson, S. Lipfert, IWS Dresden, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology, Dresden, Germany

11:50-12:10 6.5 Development of a white beam supermirror focusing optics for neutrons T. Bigault1, K.H. Andersen1, C.A. Tulk2, J.J. Molaison2, G.E. Ice3. 1 Institut Laue-Langevin, 6 rue Jules Horowitz, B.P. 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France. 2 Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge TN 37831, USA. 3 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge TN 37831, USA

12:10-18:30 Free

18:30-20:00 Dinner


P2.1 Development of high reflectance and narrow spectral bandpass Si/Gd multilayers for the 63 nm solar imaging applications, Benjawan Kjornrattanawanich. Universities Space Research Association, National Synchrotron Light Source Beamline X24C, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973. David Windt. Reflective X-ray Optics LLC, 1361 Amsterdam Ave. Suite 3B, New York, NY 10027, John Seely, Naval Research laboratory, Space Science Division, Washington DC 20375  MOVED TO ORAL SESSION 7

P2.2 A rigorous method for random roughness accounting in X-ray–VUV ranges L.I. Goray1,2, 1International Intellectual Group, Inc., P.O. Box 131611, Staten Island, New York 10313, U.S.A. 2Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, RAS, 26 Rizhsky Pr., St. Petersburg 190103, Russia

P2.3 Interdiffusion in Sc/Si multilayers Dmitriy L. Voronov a), Evgeniy N. Zubarev b), Valeriy V. Kondratenko b), Yuri P. Pershin b), Victoriya A. Sevrukova b), and Yegor A. Bugaev b) a)Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, MS 2R0400, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA b)National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”, 21 Frunze Str., Kharkov 61002, Ukraine

P2.4 Design of x-ray multilayer mirrors with maximal integral matching efficiency with a typical Mo-Kα x-ray source Igor Kozhevnikov,a Blandine Lantz,b and Claude Montcalmb a Institute of Crystallography, Leninsky prospect 59, Moscow 117333, Russia b XENOCS, 19 rue François Blumet, 38360 Sassenage, France

P2.5 E-beam PVD of various protective d-metal nanolayers on Mo; an AFM and ARXPS study on homogeniety, intermixture, and oxidation T. Tsarfati, E. Zoethout, R.W.E. van de Kruijs, and F. Bijkerk FOM Rijnhuizen, 3430 BE Nieuwegein, the Netherlands MOVED TO ORAL SESSION 8

P2.6 Non-traditional Multilayer Kirkpatrick-Baez Optics for various laboratory applications Part 2. Four-corners and multi-corners optic. Boris Verman, Bodo Ehlers, RIT, Inc

P2.7 Resolution enhancement of EUV microscope using an EUV beam splitter Hiroo Kinoshita1,3, Masafumi Osugi1,3 Kazuumi Tanaka1,3 Noriyuki Sakaya2,3 Kazuhiro Hamamoto2,3 and Takeo Watanabe1,3 1 Laboratory of Advanced Science and Technology for Industry, University of Hyogo3-1-2 Koto, Kamigori-cho, Ako-gun, Hyogo 678-1205, Japan 2 HOYA Corporation R&D Center Bldg. 3-3-1 Musashino, Akishima-shi, Tokyo 196-8510, Japan 3 CREST-JST

P2.8 Recent results in solar imaging using ion beam sputtered multilayers Marie-Françoise RAVET-KRILL1, Frédéric AUCHÈRE2, Christophe HECQUET1, Arnaud JEROME1, Franck DELMOTTE1, John D. MOSES3, Jeffrey S. NEWMARK3 1 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d'Optique, CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Campus Polytechnique, RD 128, 91127 Palaiseau cedex, France 2 Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS-Univ. Paris-Sud, bât 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex-France 3 E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375, USA

P2.9 Multilayer Coatings For Attosecond Experiments In The VUV Spectral Region Michele Suman,1,2 Maria-Guglielmina Pelizzo,2 Piergiorgio Nicolosi,1,2 and David L. Windt3 1Information Engineering Department, University of Padova, via Gradenigo 6B, Padova, 35131 Italy 2National Research Council- National Institute for the Physics of the Matter, LUXOR Laboratory, via Gradenigo 6B, Padova, 35131 Italy 3Reflective X-ray Optics LLC, 1361 Amsterdam Ave., Suite 3B, New York, NY 10027, USA

P2.10 Novel Grazing Incidence X-ray Optics Rene Hudec, Ladislav Pina, Veronika Semencova, Adolf Inneman, Michaela Skulinova, Libor Sveda, Martin Mika Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Ondrejov, Czech Republic; Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Science, Prague, Czech Republic; Reflex sro, Prague, Czech Republic Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic

P2.11 Effect of B4C diffusion barrier on the thermal behavior of Sc/Si multilayers H. Maury1, P. Jonnard1, K. Le Guen1, J.-M. André1, F. Delmotte2, F. Bridou2, M.-F. Ravet2, S. Nanaronne3, N. Mahne3 (1) Laboratoire de Chimie Physique – Matière et Rayonnement, Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6, CNRS – UMR 7614, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, F-75231 Paris Cedex 05, France (2) Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l'Institut d’Optique, CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Campus Polytechnique, RD 128, F-91127 Palaiseau cedex, France (3) Dipart. di Ingegneria dei Materiali e dell’Ambiente, Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via Vignolese 905, I-41100 Modena, Italy ; Laboratorio Nazionale TASC, INFM-CNR, s.s.14, km 163.5 in Area Science Park, I-34012 Trieste, Italy

P2.12 Broad-band polarizance of a synthetic muscovite crystal in soft x-ray region Chen Kai1 Cui Mingqi1 Sun Lijuan1 Yan Fen1 Zhao Jia2 1(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China) 2(Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100037, China)

P2.13 Live simulator and data analysis tool for multilayer reflectivity using LABVIEW Mohammed H. Modi1,2 , G.S. Lodha2, P. Mercere1, Mourad Idir1 1Synchrotron SOLEIL, L’Orme des Merisiers, 91192 Gif Sur Yvette CEDEX France. 2Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore 452 013 INDIA.

P2.14 Ni/Mg multilayer mirror for 30.4 nm light Tyler Naibert and Charles Kankelborg, Montana State University

P2.15 Development of an ion milling system by a wide-area ion beam for accurate phase correction of EUV multilayer mirrors Toshihide Tsuru, Aki Tosaka, Yu Sakai, Tetsuo Harada and Masaki Yamamoto Division of Soft X-ray Microscopy, CAMS, IMRAM, Tohoku University 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8577, Japan

P2.16 A new concept and some results of an ion beam deposition process for EUV mask blanks C. Bundesmann, M. Kramer, J. Dienelt, E. Schubert, F. Frost, B. Ziberi, F. Scholze, M. Tartz, H. Neumann, B. Rauschenbach, Leibniz-Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung e. V. (IOM), Permoserstr. 15, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany


7:00-8:00 Breakfast

8:00-9:50 Oral Session 7 Session Chair: F. Schaefers

8:00-8:30 7.1 INVITED The Sun, Multilayers, and Moses Charles Kankelborg, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT

8:30-8:50 7.2 New views of the Sun with EUVI and the future of multilayers for solar physics Frédéric Auchère1, Marie-Françoise Ravet2, Franck Delmotte2 1 Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS-Univ. Paris-Sud, bât 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex-France 2 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d'Optique, CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Campus Polytechnique, RD 128, 91127 Palaiseau cedex, France   CANCELLED

8:30-8:50 7.2 Development of high reflectance and narrow spectral bandpass Si/Gd multilayers for the 63 nm solar imaging applications, Benjawan Kjornrattanawanich. Universities Space Research Association, National Synchrotron Light Source Beamline X24C, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973. David Windt. Reflective X-ray Optics LLC, 1361 Amsterdam Ave. Suite 3B, New York, NY 10027, John Seely, Naval Research laboratory, Space Science Division, Washington DC 20375

8:50-9:10 7.3 Improved spectral purity of EUV multilayer mirrors with optimized SiO2 top layer Franck DELMOTTE1, Aurélie HARDOUIN1,2, Marie-Françoise RAVET1, Françoise BRIDOU1, Arnaud JEROME1, Françoise VARNIERE1, Sébastien HEDACQ2, Benoist ALBERTIN2 1 - Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d'Optique, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Campus Polytechnique, RD 128, 91127 Palaiseau cedex, France 2 - XENOCS, 19 rue François Blumet, 38360 Sassenage, France

9:10-9:30 7.4 Characterization of multilayers for grazing-incidence X-ray mirrors and prediction of the expected imaging quality from surface roughness D. Spiga INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Via E. Bianchi 46, I-23807 Merate (LC, Italy)

9:30-9:50 7.5 Extreme ultraviolet broadband Mo/B4C multilayer analyzer Zhanshan Wang*, Jingtao Zhu, Zhong Zhang, Rui Chen, Moyan Tan, Da Xu, Jing Xu, Yao Xu, Hui Jiang, Fengli Wang, Shuji Qin, Lingyan Chen, Institute of Precision Optical Engineering (IPOE), Physics Department, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; Alan G. Michette, Slawka J Pfauntsch, A. Keith Powell, Shahin Sahraei, King’s College London, Department of Physics, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, UK; Franz Schäfers, Ralph Pohl, Andreas Gaupp BESSY GmbH, Albert Einstein Strasse 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany; Mike MacDonald. CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK

9:50-10:20 Break

10:20-11:50 Oral Session 8 Session Chair: J. Birch

10:20-10:50 8.1 INVITED Probing multilayer stack reflectors by low coherence interferometry in extreme ultraviolet Sébastien DE ROSSI1, Denis JOYEUX1, Pierre CHAVEL1, Nelson DE OLIVEIRA2, Marieke RICHARD3, Christophe CONSTANCIAS3, Jean-Yves ROBIC3, 1 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d'Optique, CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Campus Polytechnique, RD 128, 91127 Palaiseau cedex, France, 2 Synchrotron Soleil, L'Orme des Merisiers Saint-Aubin - BP48, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 3 CEA/LETI-MINATEC, 17 rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France

10:50-11:10 8.2 In-situ GISAXS and x-ray reflectivity studies of the dewetting of thin metal films deposited on amorphous SiO2 R. Felici 1, V. Mussi 2, F. Buatier de Mongeot 2, C. Boragno 2, U. Valbusa 2, A.Toma 2 and I.K.Robinson 3 1 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BP 220, F-38043 Grenoble, France 2 Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova, via Dodecaneso, 16146 Genova, Italy 3 Department of Physics & Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK   CANCELLED

10:50-11:10 8.2 E-beam PVD of various protective d-metal nanolayers on Mo; an AFM and ARXPS study on homogeniety, intermixture, and oxidation T. Tsarfati, E. Zoethout, R.W.E. van de Kruijs, and F. Bijkerk FOM Rijnhuizen, 3430 BE Nieuwegein, the Netherlands

11:10-11:30 8.3 Resonant reflectivity as a non-destructive tool to study interface in x-ray multilayer mirrors G.S. Lodha, M. Nayak X-ray Optics Section, Synchrotron Utilization and Material Research Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India 452 013  CANCELLED

11:10-11:30 8.3 Design, Characterization and Applications of Broadband MoSi- Multilayer Mirror for Attosecond XUV Pulses M. Hofstetter1, A. Aquila3, E. Gouliemakis2, M. Schultze2, M. Uiberacker1, E. Gullikson3, D.T. Attwood3, F. Krausz1,2 and U. Kleineberg1 1Ludwig Maximilians Universität Muenchen, Fakultaet fuer Physik, D-85748 Garching 2Max Planck Institut fuer Quantenoptik, D-85748 Garching, Germany 3Center for X-Ray Optics, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA

11:30-11:50 8.4 SNS-Magnetism Reflectometer Initial Measurements Hailemariam Ambaye (a), Rick Goyette (a), Andre Parizzi (a), Gian Felcher (a) and Frank Klose (b) (a) Spallation Neutron Source-ORNL, Building 8600, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831- 6460, USA (b) Bragg Institute, ANSTO, Building 87, PMB Menai NSW 2234 Australia   CANCELLED

11:30-11:50 8.4 The importance of coatings in interferometric gravitational wave observatories R. DeSalvo, Caltech

11:50-12:00 Closing Remarks