Multilayer Measurements with the Calibration and Standards Beamline at the Advanced Light Source J. H. Underwood and E. M. Gullikson Center for X-ray Optics, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720 This beamline has been in operation since February 1995 for the characterization of optical elements (mirrors, gratings, multilayers, detectors, etc.) in the energy range 50-1000 eV. Although it was designed primarily for precision reflectometry of multilayer reflecting optics for EUV projection lithography, it has capabilities for a wide range of measurements. The optics consist of a monochromator, a reflectometer, and refocusing mirrors to provide a small spot on the sample. The monochromator is a very compact entrance slitless, varied line spacing plane grating design in which the mechanically ruled grating operates in the converging light from a spherical mirror working at high demagnification. Aberrations of the mirror are corrected by the line spacing variation, so that the spectral resolving power is limited by the ALS source size to about 7000. Wavelength is scanned by simple rotation of the grating with a fixed exit slit. The reflectometer has the capability of positioning the sample to 10 microns, with an angular precision of .002 deg. LABVIEW (TM) based software provides a convenient interface to the user. The reflectometer is separated from the beamline by a differential pump, and can be pumped down in 1/2 hour. A separate order suppressor reduces contamination by higher grating orders to a low level. Results are shown which demonstrate the performance and operational convenience of the beamline.