Reflectance measurements on clean surfaces for the determination of optical constants of materials in the EUV/soft X-ray region R. Soufli, E. M. Gullikson and J. H. Underwood Center for X-ray Optics Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA 94720 The refractive index n = 1 - delta + ibeta of materials in the EUV/soft X-ray energy range is being investigated using reflectance measurements. The material of choice in this work is Si and the spectral region considered includes the L_2,3 edge of Si (99.8eV) where Si exhibits relatively low absorption, thus being useful as a filter or spacer material in multilayer mirrors for EUV lithography applications. The reflectance data vs. angle at each energy were fitted in order to obtain the optical constants delta ; beta by means of a least squares fitting algorithm, using the Fresnel equation. This method is of particular interest, because it determines experimen tally both delta and beta, as opposed to the transmission method which is using the Kramers-Kronig relations for the calculation of delta from experimental data on beta , and suffers from systematic errors at low energies. The samples investigated include crystalline silicon (111) and (100) orientations and amorphous silicon. The reliabilit y of reflectance data depends on the quality of the sample surface. The most serious sources of error are: 1) surface roughness, 2) the presence of native oxide and organic contamination on the sample surface. For these reasons, particularly smooth samples were used and a cleaning treatment was applied to the sample surfaces, prior to the measurements. The cleaning procedure includes UV cleaning (for organic contamination removal) and subsequent HF:ethanol dipping of the samples, which results in H-passivated surfaces. The samples were investigated before and after cleaning was applied, using the X-ray Photo electron Spectroscopy (XPS) method, in order to determine the effectiveness of the H-passivation technique. It is shown that the beta of crystalline Si exhibits fine structure below the L 2 ; 3 edge similar to that observed in transmission data for Si(111) The fine structure is not observed in amorphous Si. also found that the method of fitting reflectance data to obtain optical constants is most effective for energies away from the L_2,3 edge of Si, while for a range of energies around the edge the optical constants are determined with large uncertainties. This behavior is not unique to the silicon L_2,3 edge.