High resolution X-ray scattering characterization of various surfaces relevant for multilayers and thin film coatings Salim Abdali, Finn E. Christensen and Allan Hornstrup Danish Space Research Institute, Gl Lundtoftevej 7, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark e-mail: salim@dsri dk Different substrates and thin film surfaces were analysed utilizing two high resolution x-ray scattering setups In these Cu-Ka (8 05 keV) setups a resolution of 15 Arcsec and 4 5 Arcsec were achieved, employing channel cut single crystals with 3 and 5 reflections, respectively The samples were; three different silicon single crystals, two different sides of float glass, thin glass of different thicknesses (0 05mm-0 2mm), thin gold film on lacquered luminium foil and an epoxy replicated Au-film, likewise on an aluminuim foil Roughness and correlation length were deduced from these measurements, which were carried out in the total reflection region, below the critical angle